We match foreigners who want to work in Japan with Japanese companies who want to hire foreigners.

We support foreigners who want to work in Japan with the status of residence of "Specified Technical Skill," "Technical/Humanities/International Services," or "Highly Skilled Worker.

Our service is a matching service that connects you with Japanese companies that are looking to hire foreign personnel.

This service is available for those who have or will acquire the status of residence of "highly skilled personnel/technical, humanities, or international services" such as "IT engineer," "interpreter," "sales," "designer," "marketing," and "design" or the status of residence of "specified skills" such as "nursing," "construction," "food service," "accommodation," "manufacturing," "building cleaning," "auto maintenance," and so on. Those who have or will be able to obtain such statuses are eligible for this program.

We do not charge any money to foreign job seekers, so please feel free to contact us.

  1. Foreign Job Seeker

    Foreign Job Seeker

  2. Contact for Foreigner Recruitment

    Contact for Foreigner Recruitment

  3. Japanese companies or recruitment agencies

    Japanese companies or recruitment agencies

Flow of Employment

  1. 1. inquiry / background check

    After receiving your inquiry from this website, our support staff will contact you by e-mail.
    Please tell us about your work experience, skills and qualifications, and the type of work you would like to do.

  2. 2. Introduction to Japanese companies

    We will introduce you to companies that match your experience and needs.
    (If you are interested in the company, we will proceed to the selection process.)

  3. 3. Interview

    We will conduct an interview with the Japanese company we have introduced you to.
    (In most cases, the interview is conducted in Japanese.)
    (Most interviews are conducted in Japanese.) *You may not necessarily pass the interview on the first try.
    If you are unsuccessful, we will introduce you to another company.

  4. 4. job offer / visa acquisition

    Once a job offer is made, the Japanese company will take care of the visa application procedures.
    We ask for your cooperation in submitting the necessary documents to ensure a smooth process.


  • *Fields marked with * are required.
First Name (English) *
Last Name (English) *
Gender *
Country *
Current area of ​​residence

If you selected Overseas, please indicate your country and region of residence.

E-mail address *
Phone Number
Questions, etc.

令和れいわ3ねん1がつ1日ついたち 制定せいてい

株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ アルフォース・ワン

株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ アルフォース・ワンは、個人情報こじんじょうほうかんする管理かんり重要性じゅうようせい十分じゅうぶん認識にんしきし、「個人情報こじんじょうほう保護ほごかんする法律ほうりつ」を遵守じゅんしゅするとともに、ここに個人情報保護こじんじょうほうほごかんする基本方針きほんほうしんさだめ、適切てきせつかつ確実かくじつ個人情報こじんじょうほう管理かんり推進すいしんいたします。

1. 個人情報こじんじょうほう取得しゅとく利用りよう提供等ていきょうなどについて
  • 個人情報こじんじょうほう取得しゅとくするさいは、その利用目的りようもくてきをできるかぎ明確めいかく特定とくていし、その目的達成もくてきたっせい必要ひつよう限度げんどにおいて適法てきほうかつ公正こうせい手段しゅだんもちい、同意どうい取得しゅとくします。
  • 個人情報こじんじょうほう利用りようするさいは、本人ほんにん明示めいじ通知つうち、または公表こうひょうした利用目的りようもくてき範囲内はんいない限定げんていし、それにはんする目的外利用もくてきがいりようおこなわないための措置そちこうじます。
  • 個人情報こじんじょうほう第三者だいさんしゃ提供ていきょうまたはその取扱とりあつかいを委託いたくするさいは、本人ほんにん同意どういあたえた利用目的りようもくてき範囲内はんいないで、適法てきほうにこれをおこないます。
2. 安全対策あんぜんたいさく実施じっしについて
3. 苦情くじょうおよび相談等そうだんなどたいする適正てきせい対応たいおうについて
4. 法令ほうれい指針ししん規範きはん遵守じゅんしゅについて


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株式会社かぶしきがいしゃ アルフォース・ワン 個人情報保護担当こじんじょうほうほごたんとう

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